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The Natural Treatment of Acne

The Natural Treatment of Acne

Of course, we make snap judgments about people based on their appearance.

This is an undeniable truth, and it explains why so many people are preoccupied with how they look. This is why people with acne often resort to extreme measures to get rid of their skin condition.

Acne, or pimples, can be extremely demoralizing; trust me, I know. Suppose you have a large hump on your lower lip and several smaller bumps elsewhere on your face. Whenever you speak to someone, you find yourself wondering, "Is this person gazing at the bump?"

You may have exhausted all of your options, from the widely marketed items on television to the over-the-counter medications available at your local drugstore. I've tried everything you can think of, and nothing has helped; in fact, it's just gotten worse.

I scrubbed, used a mask, and used astringents and moisturizers. After the first time, my roommate yelled, "What's with all this "make-up," like you are a Vegas showgirl?"
Asserting that dealing with acne was a dreadful experience would be an understatement.

Almost depressed, I chose to believe rumors that it was in my genes or, as my pastor put it, "it was God's will for me... "It was at this time, though, that I happened upon a coworker whose conversation with me that day would alter the course of my life, at least in terms of how I dealt with acne.

If you're someone who deals with acne, you might understand how I felt when he inquired about what I was doing to treat it. To defend myself, I quickly brought up the product I was using. He persisted despite my obvious distress, assuring me that he meant only well.

In addition to teaching me about facial massage and skin cleansing, he also introduced me to juice fasting as a therapeutic measure of healing (not the religious ritual I had assumed it was). The following are some of the reasons why I found these techniques intriguing:
  • Firstly, they were authentic.
  • Second, they are cheap or free to implement.
  • They were the most logical option.
After simultaneously attempting all of the treatments, my acne and razor bumps cleared up in about 4 days. Knowing that the girls in the office were admiring me and that I no longer had to wear that hideous mask was a welcome relief.

Years later, having learned more about Naturopathy, Yoga, and food, I decided to include some of these recommendations in this post and dedicate a page on my website to providing this free knowledge on how to heal acne naturally to my readers.

If you want to get rid of your acne, you need to make some changes to your diet right away.
This will improve your health and happiness in general, not just your skin. A mucus-free diet high in raw and cooked fruits, leafy vegetables, and roots, along with some form of fasting, will be recommended. Hippocrates, the "Father of Medication," once said, "Let your foods be your medicine since nature treats all ailments!"

I will state it outright: stop using any medications, both over-the-counter and prescription, to treat your acne.

Take some time to educate yourself on facial massage techniques. You can use your preferred search engine to learn more about facial massage, or you can check out the free tutorials and images on my site. (Thank God for the Internet, eh...?)

Replace Your Pillowcase Every Day

Don't use a microwave oven. My own experience with this tool is detailed in the same place as suggestion number three.

Do some sort of intense physical activity. 6. Dr. Stanley Burroughs, the creator of the Master Cleanser, claims that the skin is the second-most important elimination organ, right behind the lungs. This not only helps you get in shape and stay healthy, but it also facilitates the detoxification process described in Tip No. 1.

If you follow the steps outlined above, your skin will improve dramatically. Acne may be cured naturally, without the need for medication or pricey trips to the dermatologist; all you need is to be shown how.

Nature's approach, if there is one, is the correct one.

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